Apply advance technology using modernized machineries to help in manufacturing a quality products in quantity and economically priced to reach wider in the globe and make our Selvi Coir a number 1. Value addition and producing a ready mix.
Apply advance technology using modernized machineries to help in manufacturing a quality products in quantity and economically priced to reach wider in the globe and make our Selvi Coir a number 1. Value addition and producing a ready mix.
Work hand in hand with our customers and supply the product as per the customer needs and requirements. We have various options to fit the customer Solutions as per their market needs. We have our own infrastructure in place right from procurement of husk to reaching the cargo safe In your hands. We are working various methods of educating the growers about coco peat and improving the cultivation technology to get more yield.
We are also setting up our research institute to add more value to our Selvi Coir.
Sorting the right fruit from over thousands of trees in over acres of coconut field specially taken care of and cultivated carefully to bring out the best Coconut.
The extraction process is a long manual process that separates the fine fibers out of the husks and shells..
After completion of the extraction and filtering process begins the compressing of the fresh peat to reduced blocks, briquettes, bales, rope, yarn, husk chips etc.. Simply with water and controlled pH levels and more…